Will repairing my foundation fix any of the existing cracks or create new ones?
Every repair is unique. Stabilization is primary and lifting is secondary. Closing existing cracks or creating new cracks are all in direct relation to how the structure cooperates while undergoing the repair. In many situations, existing cracks will close if there is no dirt or debris in the cracks that prevents them from closing, or if no remodeling has been performed after the foundation failure occurred. In some cases where the failure is severe, trying to close cracks may only create more collateral damage. In those instances, stabilization is the key. Once the foundation has been repaired and stabilized, cracks in brickwork can be tuck pointed and interior cracks in the drywall can easily be patched and painted.
Plano Engineering corporation
Mobile: 972.333.7982 | Edwatkins410@aol.com